Project Sonntlan at Las Barrancas, Baja California Sur, Mexico


Project Sonntlan


A solar energy project at Las Barancas, Mexico, Baja California Sur


At the beginning of the year 1977 the Federal Republic of Germany like to find out new ways for solar energy collection. The BMFT of Germany found a good place for a solar project at the small fisher village Las Barranca, Baja California, Mexico. The Federal Republic of Germany invested 90 Millions DM (Deutsche Mark) in this solar project.

Several german companys gets a order to construct  this project at Las Barrancas. Due to the fact there has been no telephone or data communication at this place my company Debeg get the order to plan a radio link to the next entry point of telecommunication. From my company i get the order to plan this radio link project for telephone as well as data communication. During a site survey i investigated the location. The next possible entry point for telephone and data communication I found out at Villa Constitucion. Due to the curvature of the earth it has been not possible to construct a direct radio link between Las Barrancas and Ciudad Constitucion. Instead I had to plan a radio relay station about in the middle between this both locations at a hill.

With my Mexican Partner I discussed how we get the container at the top of the hill?

They said to me that is not a problem we have a helicopter for this business.

Finally there was no helicopter able to transport the radio container on top of the hill.

Instead they build a sort of street to the location of the container which produce one year of delay to the project.

For the work itself please look for the included pictures. If you have notes for me or questions please send me a mail to:

 In the year 2013 Mr. Francisco Javier Carrillo send me some pictures about the situation at the plant. As you may see all material is going to somewhere. Have a look to the pictures of solar plant in 2013. Additional, by using Google Earth, I try to find the position of the radio relay station. During installation of the system we had no GPS but only a old map with not very good information in it. But have a look to the photo “The way to the radio station” I believe that is the correct position. If somebody living close to this place I like very much that he/she takes Photos from this place and send it to me. The correct GPS position is included in the pictures. As it looks by Google Earth only the basement of container and radio mast are left. This is also a very good place for a geo-cache with a wide look over the country.

The realisation of the radio link has been carried out due to this plan.


The radiolink container at top of the hill.

This is a part of my crew

The pickup at the Radio Relay Hill

Look to the top of the hill




















Installation of antennas and cables.

First test from relay to Ciudad Constiticion.

Radio Relay is ready for use including solar power supply.

GPS Position of the radio relay. The Way up to topp of hill.

This is the station at Ciudad Constitucion. The telephone lines as well as the data connection will be overhanded here to

the international network.

This is the automatic battery and charging unit.

A part of the solar field and the radiomast in the background

Field of parabolic solar collectors.

Helio man field with main building in background.

Helio Man in working position

Helio Man system in sleeping mode

We are looking out for the best way to Las Barrancas.

The way up the hill.

This is the work of the vultures.

Little training inbetween the worktime.

Control station of the Sontlan system with direct data connection to Germany..

Zentralstation for the plant.

Drawing of the complete solar system.

Power consumption of the plant.

This is the telefon station inside the Las Barrancas Solar plant for national and international connection.

In the year 2013 Mr. Francisco Javier Carrillo send me some pictures about the situation at the plant.

As you may see all material  for 90 millions DM is going to somewhere.

This are the basements of the Helio Man solar collectors

Additional, by using Google Earth, i try to find the position of the radio relay station. During installation of the system we had no GPS but only a old map with not very good information in it. But have a look to the photo “The way to the radio station” I believe that is the correct position. If somebody living close to this place I like very much that he/she takes Photos from this place and send it to me. The correct GPS position is included in the pictures. As it looks by Google Earth only the basement of container and radio mast are left. This is also a very good place for a geo-cache with a wide look over the country.


The first who try to climb up the way to the radio relay station has been 4X4abc Harald. He try it in the hot summertime 2014. Also just after it has rained in this area. Additional he had problems with a lot of fences and gates around the hill. So finally he gave up at the way to the top.  Anyway he send me a report and photos wich are very helpful for later exploring this area.        


Heavy rain the day before


This is the point where Harald and his dog gave up.


The look after a fence to the radio hill

Also at august 2014 NCampion Nick wrote me he also like to go up the hill and take photos. But then the hurricane Odile was coming and produce big problems in the full area. So noboy likes to climb up the radio hill thereafter. All activities are stopped for longer time.


We are now in the year 2016. I still have the dream for a geocache at top of the radio hill.

In february 2015 i received a mail from TWDOE34 Tom. He and his friend Bill are going to Baja California and are ready to take some photos at the radio hill as well as to place a geocache at top of the hill. So Tom and Bill are going to Baja California and trying to find the right way to the radio hill. Opposite to Harald they ar coming from the north to this area. But also they found out it will very difficulty between many gates and fences. To my time there are absolutely no fence and gates but this had changed a lot. During trying to find the way the found a house at the ranch with friendly people. Also the owner of the ranch, Mr. Salvadore, has been present this day. Mr. Salvadore explain to the both explorer the way to the radio hill will be bad due to heavy rain just before. So Tom and Bill makes the decision not to go up the hill and try it later again. Mr. Salvadore said the are always welcome later on, to climb up the hill.

Bill (left) is talking with Mr. Salvador, the owner of the ranch.

This expedition has been finally successfull. This is the way up the hill.

Also Harals dog has been up to the top of radio hill.

The look over the Baja California

This is the place of the geocache.  happy hunting :-).

At february 2016 Tom wrote me Bill, some more peoples and he are going in april 2016 to Baja California. During this time they also will place the geocache as well to climb up the hill and takes photos. About the position of the geocache Tom and i we discused it that it will be not wise to place it on top the radio hill due to all the fences and gates on this way. Instead we place it at another position where it is quit easy possible to go with a car.

End of april 2016 i received a mail from Tom he and his team have been at Baja California and placed the geocache as well they climb up the hill and takes photos there.


Here you see the base frame of the radio container, search for it at later photos.

During installation of antennas and cable.

Final installation antennas, mast and radio container with solar cells.  Search for this material at the following photos made by Tom and his team.

Ok, the baseframe of the container is here and other small parts of it.

Also the basement plate and the anchoring for the guy-wires is still present. So still the same as at Las Barrancas and Ciudad Constitucion, all the material for 90 millions Deutsche Mark is gone to somewhere.


The member of Bajanomad Forums, David Kier, has visited Las Barrancas in August 2017 and send me the both followings photos.



Also in the year 2017, nothing has changed in the situation about the former Sonntlan plant, compared to 2013, see above photos Francisco Javier Carrillo.



The geocache with the name "Memorian Sonntlan" is placed. You will find the details under by using this code GC6GP8N.

Position: 25 47.900 N  111 59.260 W

The first three geocache hunter which find it will receive by me a video about the project Sonntlan. The Video comes as a link to a hidden file. The first three hunters must do the following: write name, date and time into the logbook of the geocache box. Send me a photo with your logbook entry together with the code-word wich is also in the box present to me. Send me also, if you like, a photo from you or your group. I like to place it at this Sonntlan Homepage.


Things have come full circle. The first hunter found the Memorian Sonntlan Geocache.



So if "bornfisher" send me some photos i like to place it here. Furthermore i will send him the video about the project Sonntlan constructions time.

